偷窥自拍网站 120+ 自动驾驶有关常见术语/英文缩写梳理(Ver0.1)

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偷窥自拍网站 120+ 自动驾驶有关常见术语/英文缩写梳理(Ver0.1)




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以下按照字母表限定排序。 AABS Anti-lock Braking System 防抱死制动系统ACC Adaptive Cruise Control 自符合巡航ADAS Advanced Driver Assistance System 高档驾驶接济系统ADB Adaptive Driving Beam 自符合远光灯ADS Automated Driving System 自动驾驶系统ADCU ADAS Domain Controller Unit 接济和自动化驾驶畛域单位AEB Autonomous Emergency Braking 自动紧迫制动AEB-VRU AEB-Vulnerable Road User 行东说念主自动紧迫制动系统AES Automatic Emergency Steering 自动紧迫转向AFL Adaptive Front Light 自符合前照灯ALC Auto Lane Change 自动换说念ALC Auto Lane Change Control 自动换说念畛域ALCA Auto Lane Change Assist 自动换说念接济ALCAS Advanced Lane Change Assistant System 提前换说念接济系统ANP Apollo Navigation Pilot 百度领航接济驾驶系统AOT Auto Over Take 主动超车APA Auto Parking Assist 自动泊车接济APO Autonomous Poll Out 主动驶出AVM Around View Monitor 全景监测AVP Auto Valet Parking 自动代客泊车ASIC Application Specific Integrated Circuit 即专用集成电路 B

BCM Body Control Module 车身畛域模块

BCW Blind Collision Warning 盲点碰撞预警


BEV Battery Electric Vechicle 电动车

BEV Bird’s Eye View 俯视图

BSD Blind Spot Detection 盲点监测

 CCAN Controller Area Network 畛域器局域齐集CCS Cruise Control System 直译巡航畛域系统,也便是平庸说的定速巡航。CIPV Closest In Path Vehicle 旅途上最近的车辆CMS Camera Monitor System 录像机监视器系统CNCAP China New Car Assessment Programme 中国新车测试评价范例CSW Curve Speed Warning 弯说念速率预警 DDAM Driver Attention Monitoring 驾驶员详实力监测DAW Driver Fatigue Monitor System 驾驶员疲困提醒DDT Dynamic Driving Task 动态驾驶任务DFM Driver Fatigue Motitoring 驾驶疲困监测DMS Driver Monitoring System 驾驶员景色监测DOW Door Open Warning 开门预警DSP Digital Signal Processing 数字信号科罚DTC Diagnostic Trouble Code 会诊故障代码 EEBA Emergency Braking Assist 紧迫制动接济ECU Electronic Control Unit 电子畛域单位EEA Electrical/Electronic Architecture 电子电气架构eMMC Embedded Multi Media Card 镶嵌式多媒体卡ENCAP European New Car Assessment Programme 欧洲新车测试评价范例EPS Electric Power Steering 电动助力转向系统ESA Emergency Steering Assist 紧迫转向接济ESC Electronic Stability Controller 车身电子踏实性畛域系统ESP Electronic Stability Program 电子车身踏实系统 FFCTA Front Cross Traffic Assist 前横穿侧向接济FCTB Front Cross Traffic Brake 前横穿侧向制动FCW Foward Collision Waring 前线碰撞预警FDM forward distance monitoring 前线距离监测FSD Full Self-Drive 充足自动驾驶FSRA Full Speed Range Adaptive Cruise Control 全速自符合巡航畛域 HHAVP Home Autonomous Valet Parking 家庭区域自动泊车HBA High Beam Assist 大灯接济HMW Headway Monitoring Warning 车距检测劝诫HPA Home-zone Parking Asist 操心泊车HPP Home Zone Parking Pilot 家庭区域操心泊车HUD Head Up Display 昂首表露系统HWA Highway Assist 高速公路接济HWP Highway Pilot 高速驾驶携带 IIC Integrated Circuit 集成电路ICA Intelligent Cruise Assist 智能巡航接济IHC Intelligent high-low beam Control 智能遐迩光畛域IMU Inertail Measurement Unit 惯性测量单位IPA Intelligent Parking Assist 智能泊车接济ISA Intelligent Speed Assistance 智能速率接济系统ISLC Intelligent Speed Limit Control 智能限速畛域ISLI Intelligent Speed Limit Information 智能限速教唆 LLCA Lane Changing Assist 变说念接济LCC Lane Centering Control 车说念居中畛域LCW Lane Changing Warning 换说念碰撞预警LDC Lens Distortion Correction 镜头畸变改良LDP Lane Departure Prevention 车说念偏离扼制LDW Lane Departure Warning 车说念偏离预警LKA Lane-Keeping Assistance 车说念保执接济 MMALSO maneuvering aid for low speed operation 低速行车接济MCU Microcontroller Unit 微畛域单位MLDS Multilane Detection System 多车说念检测系统 NNOA Navigate on Autopilot 自动接济导航驾驶NVS Night Vision System 夜视系统 OODD Operational Design Domain 策画开动域OEDR Object and Event Detection and Response 物体和事件探伤与反映OMS Occupant Monitoring System 车载驾舱监控系统OTS Off Tool Sample 样品不雅察 PPAVP Park Autonomous Valet Parking 泊车场代客泊车PCW Pedestrian Collision Warning 行东说念主安全接济PDA Parking Distance Alarm 驻车距离报警PDC Parking Distance Control 泊车测距功能PNC Planning and Control 估量与畛域PPAP Production Parts Approval Process 坐蓐零件审批畛域模样PTR Production Trial Run 试坐蓐阶段 RRCA Reversing Condition Assist 倒车环境接济RCW  Rear Collision Warning 后向碰撞预警RCTA Rear Cross Traffic Assist 后方横穿接济RCTB Rear Cross Traffic Brake 后方横穿制动RCW Rear Collision Waring 后方碰撞预警RPA Remote Parking Assist 资料泊车接济RTK Realtime Kinematic 实时动态 SSAS Speed Assist System 智能速率接济SBSD Side Blind Spot Detection 侧向盲区监测SCF Speed Control Function 速率畛域功能SLA Speed Limit Assist 智能限速接济SLIF Speed Limit Information Function 限速信息功能SLWF Speed Limit Warning Function 限速劝诫功能SoC System on Chip (芯)片上系统SOP Start of Production 量产SPC Service Point Calibration 行状点标定STBSD Steering Blind Spot Detection 转向盲区监测SVM Surround View Monitor 全景影像监测 TTJA Traffic Jam Assist 交通拥挤接济TJP Traffic Jam Pilot 交通拥挤领航TLA Traffic Light Assist 交通讯号灯接济TLR Traffic Light Recognition 交通讯号灯识别TSR Traffic Sign Recognition 交通象征提醒TTC Time to Collision 碰撞时分 UUDP User Datagram Protocol 用户数据报左券 VV2I Vehicle-to-Infrastructure 车辆与基础门径通讯运用场景V2N Vehicle-to-Network 车辆与外部齐集通讯运用场景V2P  Vehicle-to-Pedestrian 车辆与行东说念主通讯运用场景V2V Vehicle-to-Vehicle 包含车辆与车辆通讯运用场景V2X Vehicle-to-Everything 智能汽车和智能交通的支执本领之一

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